Thursday, November 09, 2006

First for everything

I have to admit, this feels a little contrived. Yet, for some reason, I am joining the legions of people who decide to go public with their journals. Yes, damnit, I am starting a blog. So, whoever you are, this is me: I am an acupuncture student. I am very young, and already on my second marriage. I have a daughter, Sophie, who is wildly adorable (even when she's shitting her pants). I like to write. Clearly very much so, since I am posting rambling diatribes about whatever is on my mind to an ether-like network of computers for no good reason.

See, self conscious.

I rocked the turtle today. "The Turtle" is acupuncture parlance for an abdominal treatment with needles that is notoriously difficult to perform well. When done correctly, it can bring immediate relief to chronic pain conditions. When done poorly, it is a time consuming, ineffective waste of needles (it isn't uncommon to use up to 25-30 needles in one treatment). The woman was in her mid-sixties, and spoke with a yummy Polish accent. She complained of debilitating wrist pain. We inserted the basic abdominal needles (in this case transforming damp obstruction), and on a whim, I did the symptom points.

It worked.

And that is why I love acupuncture: It is a beautiful thing to see someone's last resort work. They cry. They hug you. And you become an acupuncture rock star for the day.

Okay, the baby is crying. First post is done.


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