Thursday, November 23, 2006


A woman came into the clinic on Friday, and she was fat. Really fat. As these things tend to go, she also had a hump, around C7 to T3. She had a chief complaint of low back pain, and diarrhea. My friend John and I were working on her.

We insert hua tou jia ji needles all around her cervical area, poking that hump so good. She's all like *oooh*. We are getting pretty good results. That's when it happened.

I am feeling my way down the spine, counting vertebra so we can start our next round of needling. Her skin appears smooth, and unblemished. I press down in between two spinous processes somewhere in her lower thoracic section, and feel a little squish.

A hot rocket of snot spurted out of her back, getting on my hand, and on John's coat.

We stood there, shocked for a moment. I (pussy that I am about that sort of thing) spun around and quietly started scrubbing my hands, OCD style. John took off his coat, and just looked out the window for a moment. Wordlessly we turned around and started working on the woman again, wiping away the goop with an alcohol swab.

She farted twice during the treatment, both replete, hot, chinese food kinds of farts.

Good times.


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